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Legal expertise
for the benefit of the railways

Table of Contents

Annual General Assembly 2023


The annual General Assembly took place on 23 November 2023 in Bern[NS1]  and was chaired by CIT Chair Maria Sack and CIT Vice-Chair Maria Urbanska.

The first part of the meeting was devoted to statutory matters such as the approval of the 2022 financial accounts and the 2024 budget.

The CIT priorities for 2024/2025 were then presented in the second part of the meeting:
1. A flatter organisational structure, with more flexible resources to provide support,
2. Continued regular updating of CIT products to better align them with market needs,
3. Greater visibility of CIT’s work through improved communication,
4. Continued expansion of legal advisory and training services, in line with the needs expressed by members.

OTIF Secretary-General Mr Wolfgang Küpper also presented OTIF's recent activities and the strong complementarity with CIT’s work.

The final part of the meeting was devoted to a detailed presentation of CIT’s recent work in the fields of passenger traffic, freight traffic, CIM-SMGS interoperability, multimodal transport and use of rail infrastructure.

The next annual General Assembly will be held on 21 November 2024. We look forward to seeing you there in Bern.
